music Income, Price Matters When You Are Booking Entertainment! Whether it is a talent buyer like GigRoster selling an act to a client or the act themselves trying to get a booking, if the price is not on the table, up front, then the client is stuck and simply cannot consider booking. It is as simple as that.
entertainment The Right Tool for the Job - Musician Referral Services, Talent Buyers, and How Best to Utilize Them In this article we look at the difference between a talent buyer like Gigroster and a musician referral service, and when each one will help the most.
Music Manager A Manager by Any Other Name...Is not a Manager, but a Booking Agent "I'm looking to get more gigs, what are the possibilities of your organization managing my music?"
music pricing “I Am Worthy - $1200 to be Exact”: How to Decide Pricing as a Performer The time has finally come; you’ve practiced for years, the band is assembled, the songs have been learned, and your musical services are finally being requested. But then comes the big question
music Cover Me!..or not. The Conundrum of Covers vs. Original Music for Working Musicians For many musicians, the decision to pursue a career with their original music or play cover material is a real dilemma. We try to look at a few of the ups and downs associated with each path.